Once again I want to say that all are welcome! And remember to include the little ones. The HeartStrings FiberArts bunny is likely easy enough for even the youngest knitter... it's just a rectangle - the bunny appears when it's folded! If you've got even smaller ones, then there's always the Boo Boo Bunny or a clothes pin bunny or even some plastic egg bunnies!
In other news, Amy has sent not a few people this way by writing about the Bunny A Long at both the Knitty Blog and at Interweave Web Watch. I am having so much fun.
I'm just I-cord away from being finished on the first (of many I'm sure) felted bunnies from scheebot's instructions and have a suggestion: Stuff the bunny's head before closing it! I had closed the top of the head (between the ears) by using a 3 needle bind off and that's not the easiest thing to unravel. I managed to open it up just enough to stuff some wool stuffing down into his head.
I'm not entirely sure he looks like a bunny just yet, and being blue probably doesn't help, but that's what I had to hand last night. It's Cascade 220 wool and I'm using 4mm needles.

I think I made the I cord on the ears a bit too long too...
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